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The 3rd theme for our blog is "High-Tech Japan". In our blog, A-Lex introduces the latest technologies from a Japanese company for construction industries. English article follows Japanese.




 そこで打音法の利便性をもち、リバウンドハンマーの精度を大きく改善させた技術を日本の日東建設株式会社が開発した。CTS-02 v4という非破壊式のコンクリート強度測定テスターだ。CTS-02 v4はコンクリート強度測定に機械インピーダンスを計測することで高精度に測定が可能で、リバウンドハンマーと比べ圧倒的な精度で強度を計測できるだけでなく、コンクリートの表面状態や計測角度に影響されない。計読データはパソコンに転送することで強度分布図(Contour Map) の作成や詳細な強度解析も可能である。もちろん非破壊なので、圧縮強度試験のようにコンクリートを建物から抜き取る必要がない。

 日本では道路公団、アメリカではDepartment of Transportation、Port of Authorityなど公共施設の非破壊検査で利用されている。日東建設によるこの画期的な測定技術は、今後もさまざまな場面での展開が期待される。


コンクリートテスター: (英語)




We see concrete everyday technically everywhere: buildings, tunnels, bridges, etc. As versatile and durable concrete is, when its strength deteriorates, concrete can crack and cause a catastrophe. That is why concrete testing is indispensable to assure absolute safety in various industries.

There are several technologies and methods to test the concrete strength: Compressive Testing Method is to remove concrete in a large cylindrical shape from a concrete structure; Sounding Method and Rebound Hammer Testing Method are both non-destructive testing. However, Sounding Method relies on operator’s experiences and senses, so measurement results may vary, the test data cannot be saved. Rebound hammers is a widely-used technology, but its accuracy is lower than Compressive Testing Method and not suitable for detecting the delamination on the concrete surface or deterioration inside of the concrete.

This innovative technology for concrete testing from Nitto Construction Inc. offers drastically improved accuracy of rebound hammers yet retaining user-friendliness of Sounding Method. CTS-02 v4, a non-destructive tester from Nitto, can measure concrete strength by checking the machine impedance at way higher accuracy than rebound hammers, and at the same time, the concrete surface and measurement angle do not affect the accuracy. The test result can be transferred to a user’s PC to create a contour map and analyze the strength. Being a non-destructive tester, CTS-02 v4 does not require any extraction of concrete from a building.

Nitto Construction Inc. has shared their technologies with Japan Highway Public Corp. in Japan, and in the US, Department of Transportation, Port Authority, and many other public facilities have incorporated Nitto’s technologies into their non-destructive tests.

For more information on Nitto’s concrete tester, visit




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